This project was made especialy for rehabilitation of patients who suffered after stroke and for patients with fingers movement problems. The device allows you to move the patient’s fingers by pressing buttons. The basic principle of the device: The device is operated using the buttons located on the remote control. The remote control has five buttons, each controls only one finger. Also there is a monitor on the control panel where (in manual mode) you can set the angle of inclination of each finger, as well as the speed of its bending. The 3D modeling was done by our mechanical engineer in the SolidWorksprogram. We had used The Visual Studio program to write the code, the code was written in Visual Studio program using C++ programming language. The body of the exo skeleton was printed in our laboratory on a 3D printer with ABS plastic, and the small finger holders were printed with SLA resin on a Photon printer. Syringe holders, mechanical elements of motors, electronics housing were also printed with ABS plastic in our laboratory on a 3D printer.

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